Transform Your Mindset, Transform Your Life:
Daily Affirmations for a Happier You

Subscribe for daily affirmations and start each day with empowering words that cultivate self-love, resilience, and inner peace.

Find your Authentic Self

Live with a Purpose

Understand your own needs and desires in life

Build Trust In Yourself

Identify your limiting beliefs

Life Goals

Creating a positive mindset for attracting the life you deserve

Embrace & Empower

Set boundaries and maintain healthy energy

This isn’t your typical session. I combine the ancient wisdom of the cosmos with the power of positive psychology to help you unlock your unique strengths based on your zodiac signs. Then we’ll go beyond just sun signs, diving even deeper to understand how you can create a thriving life.

Play Video about capture his heart
Play Video about how to seduce a scorpio man

But it’s not just about the stars. You’ll also learn powerful communication tools rooted in positive psychology to navigate differences effectively and turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Imagine feeling confident and secure in your love life, understanding your partner on a deeper level, and experiencing a stronger connection built on mutual appreciation.

Hundreds of Clients and Growing!

Night and Day Difference! I was skeptical about zodiac compatibility helping my relationship, but after working with Coach Shawn, it's like night and day! The principle we use most is how to express ourselves clearly and effectively and how to listen actively. It's amazing how much better we understand each other now. Highly recommend!
Sarah K.
Feeling Hopeful Again! My partner and I were on the verge of giving up. Coach Shawn's coaching sessions based on our signs and positive psychology gave us the tools we needed to reconnect. We're so much happier now, and express our love in a way that each of us understands. I finally feel hopeful about our future.
David M.
Unveiling the Mystery! We always fought about the same things, and I never understood why. Coach Shawn's coaching helped us see how our zodiac signs play a role in our communication. Now we can laugh about our differences and work together to find solutions. It's a relief!
Lora R.


My program offers a unique blend of two powerful approaches to create a truly holistic experience for your life:

  • The Wisdom of the Stars: I go beyond basic sun sign compatibility. We will also explore your individual profile to understand your core needs, communication style, and potential areas of growth as a couple or individual.
  • The Power of Positive Psychology: This isn’t just about understanding your zodiac signs; it’s about building a stronger relationship. You’ll learn research-backed communication tools and techniques from positive psychology to navigate challenges effectively, cultivate gratitude, and build a lasting foundation of love and respect.

Here’s what sets my program apart:

  • Personalized Guidance: Unlike generic astrology advice, I tailor my coaching to your unique zodiac combination and relationship dynamics.
  • Actionable Skills: You won’t just gain insights; you’ll develop practical communication tools you can use immediately to improve your relationship.
  • Focus on Growth: We don’t just identify problems; we use positive psychology to turn them into opportunities for deeper connection.
  • Lasting Transformation: My program empowers you to build a thriving relationship that goes beyond just compatibility.

It’s a comprehensive approach that gives you the tools and knowledge to not only understand your love life but to actively create a happier, healthier future together.

I want to get to know you first. That’s why our introduction to each other is via free email coaching. This is a quick and anonymous way for you to receive a fresh perspective on what’s going on in your life. I offer that free of charge. We can stay at that level forever if that’s where you’re comfortable. When you’re ready to grow at a faster pace, then we can schedule an online meeting. Online Consultations are based on availability though because my calendar does fill quickly.

Your happiness is my happiness.

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