Attachment Deactivation: Why They Pull Away When It Gets Real

Have you ever felt your partner start to pull away as you get closer in your relationship?

This can be incredibly confusing and disheartening, especially when you feel like things should be progressing.

However, there’s a psychological explanation for this behavior that doesn’t necessarily spell doom for your relationship.

It’s called attachment deactivation.

What is Attachment Deactivation?

Attachment deactivation is a common defense mechanism that occurs when someone feels their relationship is threatened.

It’s not always an intentional response but rather the brain’s way of protecting itself from potential pain or rejection.

Essentially, when a person starts to sense vulnerability or a threat to the relationship, their instincts might kick in, causing them to pull back to avoid getting hurt.

Recognizing the Signs

When someone experiences attachment deactivation, you’d notice changes in their behavior:

  • They might stop calling as frequently.
  • They could become distant or aloof.
  • They may even start picking fights with you.

Does any of this sound familiar? It’s like an emotional shield they put up to protect themselves from possible rejection or pain.

The Good News

The silver lining here is that attachment deactivation is not necessarily a sign of a failing relationship.

It’s a defense mechanism, not a character flaw.

Understanding this can help you approach the situation with more compassion and patience, instead of frustration.

How to Address Attachment Deactivation

To resolve this issue, open communication is key. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Talk About It: Have a candid conversation with your partner about their behavior and what you’ve noticed.
  2. Identify Triggers: Work together to find out what triggers their attachment deactivation. These triggers might not necessarily be related to your actions and could stem from past experiences or internal fears.
  3. Be Supportive: Offer support and understanding as your partner navigates their emotions. Sometimes, just knowing you’re there for them can make a significant difference.


It’s important to remember that attachment deactivation is a common occurrence in relationships.

Being aware of it, recognizing the signs, and knowing how to address it can help maintain a healthy and loving relationship.

Communication and understanding are the pillars that will support you through these challenging times.

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