How to Lose Weight Together: 4 Reasons You will Succeed

Key Takeaways

  • Couples are more likely to succeed at weight loss when they do it together. Studies show they lose more weight and are better at keeping it off in the long term.
  • Partners provide motivation and support. They can encourage you when you’re feeling discouraged and help you make healthy choices.
  • Losing weight together can improve your relationship. Working towards a common goal strengthens your bond and leads to better communication and intimacy.
  • The key to success is finding a plan you both enjoy. Set realistic goals, create healthy meals together, find a workout routine you both like, and celebrate your successes along the way.

I can tell you from experience, couples losing weight together is hard. If you want to make your weight loss journey easier, get a partner and set a goal to lose weight together.

It’s super fun, challenging and also much more rewarding.

Studies have shown that couples or friends who lose weight together are more likely to succeed than those who try to do it alone. There are a number of reasons for this.

First, having a partner who is also trying to lose weight provides motivation and support.

When you’re feeling discouraged, your partner can be there to cheer you on and help you stay on track.

And not always in a “rah rah” motivational speaker way. But sometimes in a nurturing way.

Sometimes in a competitive way because you don’t want to lose. And that also can be a very powerful motivator.

Here are five specific benefits of losing weight together:

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Reason #1 to Lose Weight Together: You’re more likely to succeed.

A study published in the journal Obesity found that couples who lose weight together are more likely to succeed than those who try to do it alone.

The study found that couples lost twice as much weight as individuals over a six-month period.

The researchers believe that the reason couples are more likely to succeed is because they have support from each other.

The study is just one of many that have shown the benefits of losing weight together.

If you are thinking about losing weight, consider doing it with your partner. It can make the journey much easier and more successful.

This makes sense because your partner knows which buttons to push to get the most out of you.

They are going to know the real reason you are trying to lose weight in the first place and remind you of those reasons whenever you need it. And vice versa.

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Reason #2 to Lose Weight Together: You’re more motivated.

Just to further expand on my previous point because it’s so important…couples losing weight together help each other stay motivated.

When you’re feeling discouraged, your partner can be there to cheer you on and help you stay on track.

A study published in the journal Appetite found that people who have a weight loss partner are more likely to stick to their diet and exercise plan.

The study found that people who had a weight loss partner were more likely to lose weight and keep it off in the long term.

Don’t gloss over this point…“keep it off in the long term” which should always be the ultimate goal.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and involved 160 participants who were all trying to lose weight.

The participants were divided into two groups: one group had a weight loss partner and the other group did not.

Now if a stranger/partner can help you stay on track, how much better would you do with a loved one by your side?

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Reason #3 to Lose Weight Together: You make healthier choices together.

Ok I know you guys see the pattern by now, expanding on my previous points… 😁

Couples losing weight together help each other make healthier choices. They cook healthy meals together, go for walks together and work out together.

This makes it easier to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

A study published in the journal PLOS One found that couples who eat together are more likely to eat healthy foods.

This is especially true when the couple makes a conscious decision to do so together.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and involved over 1,000 couples.

The researchers found that couples who ate together were more likely to eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

They were also less likely to eat processed foods and sugary drinks.

The researchers believe that the reason couples are more likely to eat healthy foods is because they have an influence on each other’s food choices.

They can help each other make healthy choices and support each other’s goals.

Basically when you choose to eat with someone…especially at the end of the day, it usually means someone is cooking.

When you’re on your weight loss journey with a partner, you plan meals together.

When you’re on your weight loss journey solo, you may not have someone there to nudge you when you decide to have a random cheat day.

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Reason #4 to Lose Weight Together: You improve your communication and intimacy.

Do you want to know what will spark intimacy faster than foreplay? Accomplishing goals together.

Set a weight loss goal, accomplish your goals and watch how it improves communication and intimacy in the relationship.

When couples work together towards a common goal, it will strengthen their bond.

A study published in the journal Couple and Family Therapy found that couples losing weight together report better communication and intimacy.

The study found that couples who lost weight together were more likely to talk about their feelings, support each other, and spend time together.

Now whether that connection and communication started with the weight loss journey or was already there, is not the point.

The point is that it happened. Just the journey and the shared thoughts and goals while on said journey is enough to create the bond.

There’s no downside to working out together because it starts with something you both have in common (wanting to lose weight) and ends with discovering much more about yourselves and each other.

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Tips for losing weight together

Here are a few tips for losing weight together:

Set realistic goals. Don’t try to lose too much weight too quickly. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Not only because of health concerns, but also for motivation. At the beginning strive for easy wins…low hanging fruit. Then build up to more challenging goals.

Create a healthy eating plan together. Cook healthy meals together and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Find a workout routine that you both enjoy. Go for walks together, bike together, or join a gym together. But make sure both of your enjoy that activity. For example, don’t suggest running a mile on the treadmill when the other despises treadmills. Part of the plan is finding something you both enjoy and doing it.

Support each other through setbacks and challenges. Everyone has setbacks on their weight loss journey. It’s important to support each other and help each other stay on track.

Celebrate your successes together. When you reach a milestone, take the time to celebrate together. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

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